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Scary Ebola decisions

Why would a president who is potentially facing the biggest health crisis since the influenza pandemic of 1919, which killed more Americans than World War I, select a longtime political aide with no medical background to be Ebola czar? Why would he refuse to enact a travel ban with the West African regions affected by this plague, refusing all such passports no matter how indirect their path?

Is this because he values his political success and his pet theories more than he values the safety of Americans? He has said that it is time that we Americans begin to live like the rest of the world. This is a crisis rife with opportunity for a man with plans to bring fundamental change. With federalized health care in a time of pandemic, his government’s power will be enhanced the more desperate things become.

I have tried to resist all of these thoughts. I do not want to believe this of any president. I hope that these notions are disproven. But I know history and human nature, as well as this president’s record. He has done nothing to prove he is willing to put anything before politics. His choices will soon tell.

Ralph Ginorio

Coeur d’Alene

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