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The people’s party?

The article about Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s dismissal from the Navy due to cocaine use was kind of humorous. Oh, not the part about the cocaine use, that happens all the time and could happen to anyone. I’m referring to the fact that he works for a “financial firm,” although some other articles said “private equity firm.” For the uninitiated, that’s a hedge fund. You know, the evil dens of profit-at-all-cost, power-hungry Republicans.

A little research shows that the financial firm is Rosemont Seneca Partners. Go to their website and you see what they are all about. See who started it, and when. I’m not begrudging him his life’s work, but it is a bit funny in that this story would be in huge headlines if he were, say, George W. Bush’s son.

If you think that the-rich-get-richer strategy is just for greedy capitalists, you play right into the hands of the “people’s party.”

Dave Knecht

Spokane Valley

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