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Appreciate fair coverage

I’m writing to express my appreciation in regards to the article published Nov. 14 about my successful appeal in the Washington Supreme Court (“State’s high court intervenes in shooter’s 82-year sentence.”).

I believe, as a journalist, you have a decision in which direction to wield an extreme amount of influence. With a simple choice, you could have portrayed me to be an individual who should never be considered for release; and, with that choice, create a tide of protesters.

You could have just as easily written an article about the father and man that I am today, and in that vein, humanize me to potential persecutors. But I feel you chose the course of being fair and impartial.

Because of that, I would like to extend my gratitude, and further commend you for exhibiting the truest form of journalism.

Jason Graham

Airway Heights

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(509) 459-3815

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