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Rethink roundabouts

The city needs to do more research on roundabouts in small neighborhoods before installing them. Most of the homeowners in Spokane don’t have driveways and rely on street parking. So when the city puts roundabouts with no parking signs near them, these folks lose parking next to their home. They look for parking elsewhere, which causes problems with their neighbors.

The roundabouts need to be well-lit or people will blast through them. The streets in the area of Madison Street and Montgomery Avenue are narrower than in some other areas. Let’s review the cost: At least 10 city workers for three weeks, plus the cost of pouring cement, new lights around the area and repairs when large vehicles climb up on the roundabout and cause damage.

Now, let’s use our head; put in stop signs or yield signs. Maybe two city workers and the neighborhood is happy, kids are safe and traffic will be controlled. Don’t you think that the money saved could be used to repair streets, or do you like having bad streets? I think the officials need to rethink how they spend tax dollars.

Mike Peluso


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