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Parking tickets spoil concert

Thank you, Spokane! You certainly know how to ruin a perfect day. We went to Audubon Park on July 24 to attend the Concert Under the Pines. That was until it was time to go back to the car. We and a lot of other people received parking citations. We knew that you aren’t allowed to block driveways. We parked within 5 feet of a driveway. Very few cars could have parked in that block if everyone observed this ruling.

There are a lot of driveways in that neighborhood. We left with a bad taste in our mouths for a greedy city looking at every opportunity to make a few dollars from people that just came to enjoy a nice evening in the park.

Why does parking enforcement go out on a Thursday evening to a residential area and pass out tickets? Is Spokane in such financial straits that they have to pay parking officers to go around parks for a big event and pass out as many citations as they can? Does this happen at Comstock Park when they have their big concerts also?

I wonder how many people were from out of town or just visiting and received parking tickets.

Patty Walker


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