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Praise for two services

Usually I write when annoyed or concerned, but this letter is to praise two city services I am impressed and delighted with.

The library system is fantastically consumer-friendly, technologically with it while at same time the librarians deliver great personal service if you get stuck or need something. You can take out oodles of books and DVDs and they have made it easy even for the technology challenged. Children roam around or play on computers, people are reading and doing work in a convivial atmosphere.

The other service is garbage collection with our ability to recycle easily all forms of waste. Every week they arrive and out goes yard waste and compost and plastics. They seem to accommodate holidays and neighborhood councils demands for extra pick-ups.

Other cities have forms of this but ours is made to make our lives easier. One day I was thinking about how these two groups worked to create services that I find so efficient, helpful and consistent and realized it must be efficient management mixed with staff who see the picture of the mission of these departments and they must be all working together. At least that is what I imagine.

At any rate I am one satisfied citizen who does not mind paying taxes for these services.

Jeanne Corkill


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