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Condon should keep focus

Mayor David Condon is a dedicated leader, a visionary and person who truly cares for the well-being of Spokane and its surrounding communities; qualities that make him a respected leader within our Northeastern Washington Association of Mayors. Over four years, we have witnessed the positive changes he brought to Spokane in streets, residential and commercial development, lower utility rates and more efficiency garnered restructuring City Hall.

It’s easy to excoriate the mayor over how the Monique Cotton-Frank Straub issue was handled, but it’s now incumbent on the Spokane City Council and citizens to demand Cotton file her charge against Straub. It’s what should have happened first.

Our best opportunities to improve our economy and quality of life occur when the mayor is able to focus on advancing his initiatives and the projects he created that will continue to make Spokane and our region a better place to call home. The mayor should not succumb to the distractions fueled by those that would speculate about the facts and how they would perfectly handle this complex personnel matter.

Our communities need Mayor Condon to move beyond this issue and do what he was elected to do _ Keep Spokane moving forward. Our whole region benefits!

Mayor Steve Peterson

Liberty Lake

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