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Invest in our kids

I urge voters to support the Citizens for Spokane Schools “Yes for Kids” levy and bond campaign. I’m the mother of two kindergarten students and a proud educator of some of our 29,000 children.

Well-funded schools are vital to grow our children, our community and our economy. A well-rounded education provides students with the tools they need to become contributing and competitive members in today’s society. There is a deficit in technology in our overcrowded classrooms.

In addition, kids have different learning styles and interests beyond the academic basics of reading, writing and math. This levy provides additional technology resources for our students, smaller class sizes and the ability to better differentiate by partially funding music, art, drama, debate, athletics and our special education programs.

Furthermore, all of our schools require additional safety and security measures, and many schools need building upgrades. The bond will help pay to keep our kids safe and provide the best learning environments.

This levy provides 23.7 percent of the Spokane School District’s operating budget. The bond is a replacement bond, and neither the bond nor levy increases tax rates. Can you imagine our schools without this funding? I can’t. Thank you for investing in our kids.

Dasha Wollberg


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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