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Stuckart tramples rights

I find the recent action of Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart to be in violation of the oath he made when he was sworn into office. Council members beware. If you do not agree with the president, he will work to get you removed; if not today, another day. Does this council really represent the people? They were elected to serve the people of Spokane.

I strongly oppose their efforts to suppress the First Amendment right of freedom of speech with regard to Councilman Mike Fagan. This is a political move and another bad one.

The president and the council do not have the right to force his opinion on anyone. The president’s function is to conduct an orderly council meeting, not to intimidate. I repeat, the council is supposed to be the servants of the people. Do not trample on our First Amendment right.

Their heavy-handed approach is in violation of what the purpose of the council is. I repeat, do not continue to pursue this blatant disregard of the freedom of speech. It is time for more balance on the council.

R.G. Tarnowski


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