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Oppose council resolution

The Spokane City Council did not remove Councilman Mike Fagan from the Health District Board at its Feb. 12 emergency meeting. Evidently, the majority didn’t have the power, or they didn’t want Fagan supporters blaming them directly for removing him.

Anyway, their idea of a resolution outlining expectations is a better, more politically expedient way of handling the problem of minority dissent and differing opinions. Once they have their resolution in place, they can remove Fagan or anyone else and say it’s not their fault. They can just politely say the council member just didn’t meet the expectations put forth in the resolution.

I’m sure the majority members can outline expectations that express their belief in diversity of opinion and tolerance in such a way that anyone that opposes their socialist agenda will either not qualify to hold a position on a board or commission or be so in fear of losing their position that they will be ineffective as an independent voice.

Please contact City Council members and tell them to put a stop to this resolution and remind them Fagan was elected to serve the people of Spokane, not the majority on the City Council.

Steve Dunham


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