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Take a break, enjoy nature

How many times have we as Americans just stopped what we were doing and admired the beautiful places that we all call home? Spokane is a lovely place where people come to retire due to its scenery.

However, the environment is being blocked out and not seen because in this day and age the average person spends about six hours a day on electronics. We are all missing out on the beauty nature has to offer. We cannot even walk to places that are less than one-half mile away.

If we do end up walking somewhere, it is immediately earphones in and everything else out. We don’t even hear the birds chirp or feel the sun on our faces anymore. Most of us would rather stay inside and watch the latest episode of our favorite television show. Technology is overpowering our lives.

I encourage all of us to stop taking selfies and playing Flappy Bird and to go outside, take a walk or go for a run. Put down the games and social media and get some fresh air while admiring the glorious nature around you.

Samantha Steenhuis


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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