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Befuddled by bashing

After reading Jim Barbieri’s letter to the editor, I realized I was completely befuddled. First he is talking about two crazy despots and then tries (weakly) to compare President Obama to the two men.

Yes, Obama promised hope and change as all presidential candidates do, but to compare him to Jones and Hitler is a stretch and mean. He also felt the need to point out that our president is biracial as if no one was aware of this fact.

I believe many millions would disagree that Obamacare and the reopening of relations with Cuba are transparent failures. Let’s be honest, all presidents either lie (Clinton, Johnson, Bush, Nixon, Reagan, etc.), over-promise or disappoint us, but I have never seen the vitriol toward other presidents that has been directed toward Obama. Not even toward Nixon and he was forced to resign.

We have a race relations problem in this country, and it’s time we admit it and start talking about it.

Jim Boggs


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