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Be wary of gay ray

Gov. Butch Otter likes to cowboy-up on his ignorance. He wants the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his case to continue to outlaw gay marriage in Idaho. The total thrust of his $100,000-taxpayer-funded argument is that the gay community has supernatural powers that will cause opposite-sex couples to leave their children and spouses behind if gays are granted the right to wed.

Heretofore, I have been unaware of this gay kryptonite because as a father of a gay child, my wife and I should have been impacted by its rays – but we are still together. Otter’s argument is so silly that the 9th Circuit’s three judges wrote, “We seriously doubt that allowing committed same-sex couples to settle down in legally recognized marriages will drive opposite-sex couples to sex, drugs and rock and roll.”

Still, I do not want to discount Mr. Otter’s sincerity; maybe he has been personally impacted by gay kryptonite because he has divorced. So the question is what gay individual prompted that marital dissolution?

My guess is that he came under the influencing gay ray of one of our own legislators.

Jon Ruggles

Wallace, Idaho

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