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Stay engaged, push reform

In response to the Stay Awake campaign: How can we place individuals into our offices who are interested in meeting the needs of citizens rather than filling their pockets and their friends’ pockets? As long as big money controls the elections, only candidates who are either wealthy or candidates who are backed by big money will be heard and elected.

Those with the money are the ones who can afford TV advertisements, and these advertisements are not always truthful. I personally don’t want candidates who are so blinded by money and power that they ignore human suffering. Checking voting records of candidates is a way to learn the truth.

For a New Year’s resolution, how about joining a grass-roots group so that you will be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem. We all need to do our part in protecting our liberty and justice.

Don’t be a sheep and sleep while the wolf reaps. Be a guard dog who watches over the rights and liberties of everyone. Don’t let complacency take root in your lives if you are employed and have a healthy pension, as that could change quite unexpectedly. The wolf is at the door.

Teresa Nevins


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