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Ag-gag bills dangerous

Ever heard of an “ag-gag” bill? If you have, it’s likely because you’ve heard of how absurd they are, and how nearly every single one that’s been filed has sparked public outrage and been defeated. One, HB 1104, is under consideration by the Washington Legislature.

These dangerous bills are anti-whistleblower measures that seek to silence investigators who expose abuses on industrial agriculture operations. Criminal penalties for those who expose the abuses include a year in jail and up to $5,000 in fines.

These bills are so egregious on the free-speech front that over 70 groups, including civil liberties and food safety groups, have taken a public stance in opposition to ag-gag.

The Washington bill is a worse-than-terrible idea, and I hope our legislators do the right thing and kill this bill quickly.

Marilyn Mayer


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