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Liberals don’t get business

Recent letters once again show how out of whack the liberal mind-set is. To their ilk, it simply doesn’t matter whether a business owner can afford to offer benefits such as higher wages, health care, paid sick leave, etc. In their minds, all small-business owners are nothing but greedy capitalists who could care less about their employees. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Liberals will use popular consensus and legislative power to force businesses to comply with their cause du jour, and if raising prices causes them to lose business or become noncompetitive, and they go out of business, then they had no right being in business in the first place, right? They’re just culling the herd because that’s the cost of doing business now? Wow, the view from that ivory tower must be great.

I’m not saying that regulations are not necessary, but Hal Dixon (May 10) is right. Government intrusion and mandates always have unintended consequences, especially on small-business owners. Small businesses are becoming less about free enterprise and more about generating tax revenues and redistributing wealth for social experimentation. Lynne deLaubenfels (May 16) should ask the people of Venezuela how that’s working for them.

Dave Tegge

Newman Lake

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