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Dolezal hurt nobody

So Rachel Dolezal claimed to have a little bit of black blood when it seems she may not. Big deal. How does that hurt anyone? Untruths are rampant in our culture: in business, government, law enforcement, etc. She was doing a tremendous good: working for human rights, especially for blacks, which is so desperately needed today, as evidenced in ongoing news stories.

Why now, just after she was pictured on the spring cover of Inland Business Catalyst magazine, which says “Rachel Dolezal is the epitome of a powerful woman and a pillar of righteousness and equality in our community. We are proud to feature her as a Woman in Business Leadership honoree, in the 2015 Women in Business Leadership Awards.”

We just celebrated gay pride, which recognizes another cause of discrimination in American society, gender identity, with a Gay Pride Parade and Festival. Where is our Black Pride Parade and Celebration? Why not recognize and honor these humans among us who have been persecuted for more than 150 years, and which discrimination still continues rampant.

Perhaps that is Rachel’s next big project.

Bernadine Van Thiel


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