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Right embraces PC politics

It is abundantly clear that we cannot label acts of violence by adherents of the domestic right-wing as “terrorist” because that would be politically incorrect.

Dylann Roof was, apparently, simply a loner, not even a lone wolf. He was merely a deranged individual who just happened to tune in to such organizations as the Conservative Citizens Council (born years earlier as the White Citizens Council) and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. We cannot point out that these same organizations are active participants in domestic right-wing politics, including financial and logistical support of announced Republican candidates for president, federal offices and state and local politics.

Right here in the Inland Northwest, we have an upcoming “God and Country” celebration that includes as speakers several notorious promoters of divisive and exclusionary ideologies. Pastor John Weaver is a promoter of race separation, secession and a mutation of Christian theology known as Dominionism. The tentacles of the hard-right hate groups extend through the tea party and into the mainstream of the contemporary Republican Party.

When you see elected Rep. Matt Shea share the stage and the accolades with these folk it is enough to turn your stomach.

Pat Hayes

Keller, Wash.

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