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Vaccination works

I left Spokane for Coeur d’Alene, and since then I have watched Spokane’s elections. I have always found these elections amusing, until now. Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan said he believes our diseases come from Mexico. In fact, it’s from the Philippines. In fact, global warming is man-made, and is real. Science wins.

According to him, vaccinations should be up to the parents. Mississippi has mandatory vaccinations; no religious or fear-of-autism exceptions. Mississippi has no measles. The autism baloney was a scam to get money. I had the measles, as did my sister and all my classmates. Measles is the most virulent disease known to man, and it’s miserable. I stayed in my closet because the light hurt my eyes.

My children did not get the measles, nor did my grandchildren, because of vaccinations. Now, it’s spreading. He may feel that parents have the right to endanger their children, but they don’t have the right to infect others.

Addendum: Polio, my wife had it, as did many others. Seeing a 16-year-old in an iron lung, knowing they will be there for the rest of their life, is sobering. Everyone took the polio vaccine sugar cube; no exceptions.

Terrance Wolferman

Coeur d’Alene

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