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Fund needs, not wants

The Cheney bond failure gives the voters a second chance to review. Unless you attended the August school board meeting, you would not know that the board voted 4-to-1 against even considering offering a smaller bond request. They opted instead to go for $44 million. Why?

While performing arts and sports are very relevant, they are not going unmet now. Why is it so awful to make student performers and athletes bus to other schools for practice? They can’t share facilities? At this time they do so, and it presents no hardship.

At a time when we have just built three new schools, why are we writing a blank check to the district for non-academic facilities? There are university facilities available right in the city. Showalter Auditorium is available to rent for $500 for a 10-hour day. There are two stages within one-half mile of the high school now. Why not wait until we have matching funds for these, as they are not critical needs, but desires.

I teach my children to understand the difference between wants and needs. Why can’t Cheney School District do the same?

Alison Probert


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