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Abortion not responsible

David Teich’s April 7 response to Anna Haukeli (March 29) made me wonder, who’s the “confused” writer? Saying those choosing abortion are “taking responsibility for their actions,” as Teich did, is analogous to someone taking responsibility for burning down the house they lived in when they can no longer afford the mortgage payment.

Assuming Teich believes that human life has great value, I ask several questions. Doesn’t he know that a fetus is a complex, functioning, growing organism that is regulated by individually unique human DNA? Doesn’t he know that this organism creates its own blood, separate and distinct from its mother? Doesn’t he know that this organism has its own functioning nervous system? Doesn’t he know that a fetus is not a part of a human body, but is a separate organism unto itself?

Using his own, honest reason, how can Teich say that a fetus isn’t human life? Abortion is relatively easy and convenient compared to raising a child, but that doesn’t make having an abortion a responsible act. Once life is created, it isn’t responsible to snuff it out.

Duncan Bean

Spokane Valley

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