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Mother has common sense

The best news I’ve seen or heard all week was about the mother in Baltimore who saw her 16-year-old son on TV disguised and protesting. She marched down there, grabbed him and forced him to leave those riots. As a single mother of six, she has a huge job and has more common sense than the mayor, attorney general and all those politically correct officials put together.

Parents have a hard enough time raising children without the undermining of their God-given authority and responsibilities. Whatever happened to “Honor thy Father and thy Mother”?

My mother-in-law took after her teenage son with a broom handle and whacked him across the shins. She wasn’t 5 feet tall, but was known as “the warden.” She demanded discipline when her husband was at sea for months at a time. Of course, my husband still insists it was all the fault of his younger sisters.

Thank goodness for the mothers and grandmothers raising children today as in the past. When families are fractured, they are the glue that binds together.

“Stay strong. Stay faithful, Bear witness. Fear God, not men,” said Professor Robert George of Princeton University.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Donna Kuhn


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