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S-R flunked endorsements

The Spokesman-Review editorial board should fact-check before endorsing candidates.

Rocco Trepieddi is the former city attorney responsible for reprehensible judgment in cases ranging from the Marks Family to Otto Zehm. He still contends his job was to insist fines the city had to pay for police misconduct be lowered.

No, he should have helped the chief confront the truth, make reparations when mistakes are made, fire those who violated policy and promote those who followed best practices. It’s time for Trepieddi to leave the school board. Let’s welcome a fresh approach to healing the institutional racism in our justice and educational systems.

“Kienholz has the brains and background”? Over Paul Schneider, master’s degree from an accredited university, 18 years a distinguished teacher, son of two educators? His mother, Maureen, was a well-respected counselor. I know because I spent 28 years directing programs for abused and neglected children. How was it that I never heard one word about Patricia Kienholz or her child safety non-profit? I can, however, Google its financials: 2013 income, $0.

I am not even sure what a paraeducator is, but I am certain that, with these recommendations, your editorial board is comprised of parajournalists.

Mary Ann Murphy


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