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Proud of NRA

I was watching the evening news when it was announced that Andy Parker, the father of murdered journalist Alison Parker, was going to state his opinion. I was prepared for his angry criticism of the National Rifle Association. He was far more vehement than our usual critics, but he is grief-stricken, as I would be under his circumstances.

When he started to indirectly blame the NRA for his daughter’s death, I thought he had gone over the line, but then he called NRA members cowards. I am not a coward, I am 100 percent disabled veteran with 10 years military service. My fellow vets and I are the NRA. You just may have alienated the veterans in America. We are beholden to no one, no lobby or billionaire; I mean no one.

The millions the NRA receives comes from me and my fellow members. If the gun lobby wishes to give us a million dollars, they will get a tote bag, a magazine every month and a big thank you. That’s it. I am sorry for his loss, but he owes us an apology. I’m not a coward. I’m proud of my NRA.

Terrance Wolferman

Coeur d’Alene

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