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Social media helping ISIS

I listened to President Obama speak during the Antalya Summit in Turkey. I heard him say (a number of times), through social media that ISILl/ISIS has been able to grow and expand its reach. We have made extreme efforts to take out supply routes and retake territory taken by these groups, yet I heard nothing about taking down the social media networks allowing their growth.

Being raised on a farm in Whitman County instilled a little common sense to fix the root of the problem, not just grease the squeaking bearing. As much as we all seem to rely on social media, it comes with many undesirables. How many people have posted something that cost them a job interview, or job, or allowed a break-in because they were in Mexico having fun?

My mother always said the Internet was going to be the cause of many problems in our lives. I wonder how she knew that. We need to cut the umbilical cord to these groups. We created the Internet, and now we have lost control of it. I know we can’t shut down the Internet, but somehow we have to gain control of the capabilities of the social media aspect of it.

Tom Morris

Spokane Valley

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