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Permit costs too high

What the heck? I just found out what it costs to get a permit from the Spokane Regional Health District. Who thinks up these costs? How are the citizens of Spokane County supposed to make any money to help support their community?

A small-town mom who wants to sell brownies and caramel apples at a small community function for eight hours needs to get a special food permit at a cost of $320? Or, for that matter, they can’t sell pumpkins because it’s considered food unless they paint them (this isn’t a cooked product folks)? That would be another special permit of $320.

These small towns have little or no support from a larger city or town. I understand that the same fees are passed on to everyone, but do you think these fees are a fair representation of what it actually takes to print out a darn form? Why can’t it be just one flat fee instead of doubling the price?

It feels like they’re stealing money, and using local government to make it legal. Maybe we should have an auditor go through what these funds have been designated for.

Renae Allen

Spokane Valley

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