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State hypocritical on trail

On Sept. 30, I attended a public humiliation of Reps. Joe Schmick and Mary Dye by Tekoa fund-seekers protesting the possible complete closure of sections of the John Wayne Trail Park/Milwaukee rail bed.

When the “gotcha” questioning was finally over, and property owners adjacent to the trail park were given a chance to speak, it was clear that the state of Washington has done nothing for years to control noxious weeds, mend or replace fences, or to discourage property crimes, trespass or trash-dumping on its park property. The state’s defense is that it has no money.

By contrast, the Legislature has passed a Shoreline Master Plan that claims oversight of private property along creeks and wetlands from high water mark extending 200 feet on both sides of the water. Private property owners are subject to fines and court costs if they violate any of the 118 pages of regulations concerning trees, weeds, pollution, agriculture, environmental protection, etc.

Private property owners, farmers and ranchers are required by law to do what the state fails to do on the park trail. State officials say, “Sorry, no money.” Can the property owners use the same excuse?

Ted Maxwell

Malden, Washington

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