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Scott stood up for veteran

When Rep. Heather Scott received the call for help, the inspection of a Priest River veteran’s home by the Veterans Administration was less than 24 hours away. His Second Amendment rights were about to be taken away without due process. This overreach of government is simply unacceptable, and especially troubling because it was being done to someone who served his country during the Vietnam War and laid his life on the line for our freedoms.

After receiving the call for help and realizing the seriousness of the situation, Scott was able to network quickly with enough citizens to demonstrate solidarity for the veteran. She also contacted the sheriff, who showed up to rightfully prevent an unlawful search and seizure, if necessary. As a result, instead of the VA showing up, a local paid veteran’s assistant appeared to get the paperwork started for an appeals process.

Meanwhile, this vet still has his rights abridged, and one wonders where and when this will end. This veteran’s freedoms must be returned. The good news is that North Idahoans, with the leadership of their legislator, have shown that they will not stand for their rights to be trampled upon.

Arlene and Bill Sturgeon

Sagle, Idaho

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