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Rebuttal to hit piece

Your front page hit piece on Donald Trump (July 28) begs rebuttal.

Trump didn’t “invite” Russia to hack e-mails, a feat that would be impossible. Perhaps you have forgotten that Hillary Clinton has testified, under oath, that there were no work-related emails in the thousands of messages she destroyed.

If she now claims that national security is at risk in those emails, she is also admitting that she has committed perjury. If she originally told the truth, only yoga schedules, wedding plans and messages between herself and her husband (who doesn’t use email) being contained in them, there is no security concern. None.

In either event, if the Russians have the emails, they got them while Hillary was in charge of the server.

Now, for the impossible part: A server or servers that are not in existence anymore can’t be hacked.

Dave Kerns


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