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Early intervention key

After reading the article on kindergarten and first-grade suspensions, I feel compelled to stand up for children and my colleagues in the classroom. If you have never volunteered or worked in a school setting, then don’t judge until you have. The number of highly aggressive or disruptive young students is alarming. They require ongoing intervention and monitoring that is difficult in a classroom setting with one teacher and no additional support.

Teachers are masters of multitasking and working with children with a variety of behavioral and learning needs. However, these highly aggressive or disruptive youngsters need additional intervention outside the classroom on a regular basis so teachers can teach the majority of students in their classroom. I feel for my teacher friends who go above and beyond each day to make their classrooms a safe and exciting learning environment.

Yes, there is a problem, but you would think that with all the educated people that work together that make up our school system, an intervention plan could be established that allows the teacher to teach and the student to learn how to self manage. Early intervention speaks volumes. I’m a happy retired educator.

Robin Kahn


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