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Stick with Trump

No one is happy with any of the candidates. Trump is a narcissist; Clinton is a congenital proven serial liar, and probably a sociopath, and Bernie is a naive socialist that’s promising free everything with no idea how to pay for it. Socialism is always the path back to slavery. It may be slow or fast, but it is the inevitable.

“American Exceptionalism” is not a smug attitude, but a historical fact of our country’s founding. Government by the people (no matter how flawed) was an absolutely radical idea based on the Christian concept of individual self-worth.

This is in part why there is such a massive attack by the New World Order types to discredit any and all Christian values.

At the moment, I think all I can rely on is Trump’s ego. He is addicted to success and the applause that it brings. I think fixing the country would be the ultimate Trump ego trip. He won’t do it himself, but he will hire the smartest people he can find to make him look good.

Dave Barker


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