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Trump focused on Trump

Donald Trump’s entire campaign for the presidency is predicated on his claim of business success. Now it looks as though Trump reported losses of nearly a billion dollars on his 1995 taxes. Think about that; a loss of a billion dollars reported in a single year’s tax return. Does that sound like the work of a successful businessman to you? This is the man who thinks only he can “fix” the economy? Seriously?

And now Trump brags about not paying his fair share of taxes by claiming “that makes me smart.” No, it makes him a callous man who cares little for real people whose lives are improved when we all pay our fair share of taxes to support veterans, police and fire departments, the aged, schoolchildren, our courts, our roads, bridges and other infrastructure that allows for commerce and the general well-being of all Americans.

It is time to end this flim-flam once and for all and understand that Donald Trump is focused only on himself and cares little for anyone else. There is simply no evidence to the contrary.

Doug Burr


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