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Easier for government to spy

There is one important aspect of Congress giving our internet providers the right to sell our internet usage without our consent that is not being discussed at this time. Congress has made it easier for the federal government to spy on Americans without obtaining a warrant from the FISA Court. It has long been known that our spy agencies have created storefront businesses to cover their espionage activities. These superficial businesses can now purchase our internet activities under the guise of obtaining marketing information.

Thanks to 215 Republican representatives, 51 senators and one president, they have moved this country one more step closer to the novel “1984.” They passed this legislation without seeking public input. The last polling results that I have seen is 72 percent of the public is opposed to this legislation. This is a prime example how corporate lobbying has corrupted our government. One more time some big corporations and their paid congressional lackeys are passing laws that are opposed by the general public. This is another example of how bad the Supreme Court decision on Citizen United has been in corroding our control of government.

George T. Clark

Deer Park

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