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Shame on Kalispel Tribe

In response to the article regarding the Kalispel Tribe filing their lawsuit to halt construction of the Spokane Tribe Economic Project, I am disgusted at the sheer greed displayed by the Kalispel Tribe. They say, “despite the revenue from their casino, their members continue to suffer from unemployment, lack of housing, substance abuse, etc.”

Here’s an idea: spend more revenue from their Airway Heights casino on their tribal members, as well as hiring their own. They certainly had the funds to purchase the Spokane Country Club and have funds for a $20 million expansion, yet their members are suffering?

The Kalispel’s casino is built on aboriginal Spokane Tribe land, yet they are trying to stop the Spokane Tribe from helping their own people who actually do suffer from lack of housing and unemployment. The last two years’ fires devastated the Spokane Tribe’s logging resources income and unemployment rate on the Spokane Reservation is extremely high, and they are in the process of building the answer to their issues and creating a sustainable future.

I hope that the judge can see through the Kalispel’s thinly veiled argument and see that this is simply a matter of greed.

Sheri Johnson


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