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Why print hateful diatribe?

Steve Massey’s error-filled Aug. 12 column condemning transgender people should never have appeared in The Spokesman-Review. I’m shocked and dismayed that the S-R would print this hateful diatribe. The article displays a lack of modern scientific understanding of human biology and psychology. The people who wrote the Bible had no knowledge of human physiology or psychology, but today we do. We understand that gender and sexuality exist on a spectrum, not a polarized binary. Research has shown that the earlier a child who is transgender is allowed to transition, the easier a time they will have both psychologically and socially.

By printing this vitriol couched in the name of religious news writing, the S-R has knowingly allowed hate-speech on its pages, and widened the spread of ignorance and fear. I call on the the editors to publicly apologize to Spokane’s transgender community, and never print another article by Steve Massey.

Massey does not speak for all Christians. Not all Christians hate. Westminster United Church of Christ, among other local churches, welcomes all of God’s children into full fellowship. There are Christians who tirelessly fight for the rights of our transgender siblings in Christ.

Jan Shannon, Pastor, Westminster UCC


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