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‘Get Real’ curriculum

Five reasons why the “Get Real” curriculum is right for Spokane schools:

1) It gives kids the facts they need to navigate the challenges of growing up. As a maternal/child RN for many years, I’ve seen the tragic results when youth don’t receive that information.

2) The curriculum presents abstinence as a healthy option for adolescents. But it also provides accurate, science-based, and age-appropriate information that can be life-changing or even life-saving for youth who do choose to engage in sexual activity. Abstinence-only programs don’t work.

3) By giving homework to be completed with parent input, “Get Real” respects the parents’ contribution and empowers them to offer their own perspectives.

4) “Get Real” addresses the full spectrum of sexual orientation and gender identity. LGBTQ kids deserve to be respected and validated. They are at greater risk of bullying, depression, and suicide at every age, but good sex-ed can provide a supportive influence that may moderate those risks.

5) The research-based curriculum includes social skills, healthy decision-making, ways to resist peer pressure, and more. Our children need and deserve this kind of instruction.

I wholeheartedly support “Get Real” for our schools.

Andrea Matters


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