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Media vs. women

Media have a bigger impact on women than on men. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are all a part of this since they tend to advertise certain bodies that people wish they had. The average weight of a female runway model is about 115 pounds, while the average American woman weighs 162.9 pounds; see the big difference?

Women try to be like these models they see on social media, which then leads to consequences, such as eating disorders. Some of them being anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. One in 200 American women suffer from anorexia. An additional 10 percent of women report symptoms of this disorder while only 5 percent of males report having this disorder or having symptoms of this disorder.

Now let’s talk about binge-eating disorder. A study in 2007 showed that 3.5 percent of women have this disorder while only 2 percent of men do. Meaning that women are 1.5 percent more likely to be affected by this disorder. All these studies have shown that women are being affected by this more than men and social media is at fault and will continue to be at fault. When will it stop?

Nancy M. Garcia


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