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Dems held accountable

The recent unveiling of sexual transgressions by male politicians has reminded me why I do not vote GOP as a rule. I did vote for John Anderson in 1980, a Republican who ran as an independent. What stands out to me is that the Democrats are holding their offending members accountable, while Republicans are loyal to and supportive of their offenders. Loyalty is admirable when warranted. But in this case, as in many others, most Republicans put loyalty to party ahead of loyalty to country and to the noble ideals on which it was founded.

John Conyers and Al Franken have been forced from Congress, as they should be. Roy Moore of Alabama is defended because the Republican leadership needs his vote on their tax bill. Many Republicans who call themselves Christian also support him. Unfortunately, it seems they have chosen Caesar over God. My late grandmother, who raised my father and his twin brother during the Depression, thought FDR walked on water and would not vote Republican if Jesus himself were on the ticket. These days, I can’t imagine Jesus would even consider it.

Richard Shute

Otis Orchards

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