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Move past divisiveness

Bravo to Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers on her Time op-ed about bridging the political divide, and kudos to her for embracing bipartisanship and practicing her own advice: to see unity and end divisiveness.

I am so disheartened by the comments I see on Facebook and the angry rhetoric used in social media. It disturbs me that I may be contributing myself. I know I must do better.

I thank Cathy for leading by example and challenging Americans to stop the culture of hate and instead embrace openness and honesty. “It’s going to take every American playing on the same team — and everyone trying to be the best version of themselves — to make America great.”

I am joining Cathy in this endeavor, and I ask all of you to move past this divisive election and come together as a community.

Carolyn Williams


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