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Hazel is impressive

I met Judge Tony Hazel many years ago. He was a student at Gonzaga University in a pre-law class. I was a practicing attorney at that time and my law partner, Tim Mackin, and I volunteered to mentor the students in that class. Tim and I were very impressed with Tony; it was clear he wanted to learn and be the best attorney he could be.

Ultimately I spent 21 years on our Superior Court bench, which allowed me to follow Tony’s career. During that time, I got to know Tony on both a professional and personal basis.

Tony is a fine young man, a fine lawyer, and has all the tools to be an excellent judge. He has a great heart that I believe comes from his love for his fellow man. Tony’s legal experiences consist of a solid foundation that meet all the requirements of this very important and demanding job.

Knowing Tony as well as I do in light of my own experiences, I can see why Gov. Inslee appointed him to Superior Court. I urge all of the citizens of Spokane County to vote for Judge Hazel.

Neal Q. Rielly, Superior Court judge (retired)


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