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Appreciate labeling rule

I want to thank Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers for championing common sense nutrition labeling that is good for customers and achievable for Washington businesses. The grocery industry appreciates her efforts to help shape policies that work for the people affected by the decisions and the business community. She has been a champion for food retailers in D.C., working to pass the FDA’s new menu labeling rule under the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act.

Food retailers want customers to have nutrition information as part of our commitment to food and health education. In the 20 years since the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act was enacted and updated, grocery stores have been providing comprehensive information for approximately 95 percent of the food products sold in stores. Supermarkets are at the forefront of providing customers with fresh new products and local flavor profiles to meet their interests. Our concerns with the menu labeling rule have always focused around implementing rules designed for a format with limited offerings of standard items, not grocery stores that offers thousands of ever-changing varieties of products.

Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers has been a sound voice of reason. We appreciate her leadership in achieving a balanced result that works for all.

Jeff Phillips


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