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Disagree with Whitworth

Recently, President Beck Taylor decided to end Whitworth University’s affiliation with Planned Parenthood. This decision now prevents students in the health science, biology, community health, nursing and other related programs from receiving credit for interning at Planned Parenthood. In his statement, Taylor has assured students that this does not affect the university’s views on gender equality. As a student at Whitworth, I see this decision as an expression of fear over female autonomy.

Ending Whitworth’s affiliation with an institution that provides free and accessible reproductive health care for women is ending the notion that a woman has a right to her own body. This is a degrading and aggressive way to indicate to women that our choices over our bodies do not matter. Might we be reminded that the feminine gender was perfectly and divinely created, and we must honor that, not remove ourselves from female empowerment.

Abby Nye


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