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Throwing shade

The possible change to increase 100-foot height limits on buildings across from Riverfront Park currently under consideration by the city is indicative of an old-fashioned mindset about urban development that needs to be changed. No one since Dorothy and Toto is going to visit any city anywhere in order to experience the “spark” of tall buildings and the deep shade cast by them.

In 2007 the people of Spokane strongly supported limiting the height of buildings across from the park. Adding shade to any part of this beloved icon makes no sense, especially in light of the current multimillion-dollar upgrades the citizens of Spokane agreed to.

The Spokane River and the beautiful park hugging it on its southern bank are the urban symbol of the motto: Creative By Nature. Surely our city planners and owners of properties downtown can come up with creative, cutting-edge ways to continue to get a return from their investments without casting shadows on the park.

Ann Fennessy


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