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Drilling for oil

So our current corporate president wants to start oil exploration in the Alaskan Arctic Refuge. That was one of President Obama’s hands-off policies Trump wants to do away with? Plus he wants to start drilling off the coast of California. Or is it because California voters did not vote for him? Do you remember the oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969? I do!

“Trump: No oil drilling off Florida coast,” The Spokesman-Review, Jan. 10, 2018. What a hypocrite! It goes to show you that he is a vengeful person. I feel sorry for the people who voted for Trump or Clinton. The realization is that the Democrats and Republicans just don’t care about this country or its people. This is a country of laws not only for the 99 percent, but also for the one percent.

Why worry about ISIS when you have these corporations and their lackeys running this country? Talk about domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States. As a veteran, I am totally against the two-party system!

John Wodynski


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