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There but for fortune

Laws inspired by Hitler and passed by the German Reichstag in 1935 deprived Jewish citizens of all rights, including their citizenship. These are known as the “Nurenberg Laws.” Complicit Nazi authorities were convicted of war crimes for enforcing them.

Currently, people seeking asylum in the USA have their children taken away. Nobody seems to know how many children have been taken, or where they are. It appears that no credible attempt has been made to document any of this, so that families could be reunited. Jailed parents are asked to abandon their asylum claims if they want their children back. However, it is completely unknown as to whether or not this is happening. This process is so opaque, nobody knows when it started or whether it is still going on, despite President Trump’s recent Executive Order.

During the Bush administration John Yoo created memos that said: Torture is not Torture. So we tortured people. Just because some bloviated bureaucrat decides that extravagantly heinous, inhumane acts are legal doesn’t mean that they are, or are truly righteous. Americans get angry when pets are abused, but are indifferent when emigrants from “s-hole” countries are abused. Remember that “There but for fortune go you or go I.”

David Webb


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