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Trump’s harm to America

Plenty of reasons to suspect Donald Trump is either a bought-and-paid-for Russian stooge, or else a Russian blackmail hostage. Trade war against not just China but also Canada, Mexico and the European Union? Spitting in the faces of our NATO allies, countries that shed blood alongside the U.S. in World Wars I and II, brothers in arms right up to Afghanistan and Iraq? As Western bulwark to hostile Soviet/Russian expansion into Europe, NATO’s a crazy giveaway hot on the heels of Putin’s recent annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula, the first international military invasion on European soil since World War II.

Big rush to further stack the Supreme Court with a fifth religious zealot willing to overturn Roe v. Wade? Or is it more about engineering a loyalist Supreme Court that would allow Trump to pardon himself of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” including perhaps the hanging crime of treason?

But the most obvious indication that this compulsive liar actually wants to harm America is his demonization of journalism and journalists, “the enemy” as he calls them. This is a full frontal attack on free speech and the First Amendment, the very soul of our democracy.

Chris Norden


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