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U.S. aid to Syria

I have liked “60 Minutes” on Sunday evenings for many years, as their journalists are very professional and go to the events they cover.

One segment on May 6 covered the terrible suffering of children in Syria and the huge problem with orphans. I have a chart showing areas where Syrians have fled and it is mind-boggling. Half of them are children: Turkey - 3,381,005; Iraq - 246,974; Jordan - 655,588; Egypt - 126,027 and Lebanon - 997,905. Today, 99 percent of Syrian refugees are hosted in these five countries.

On the positive side, the orphans are getting schooling, but on the negative side it is nearly impossible to adopt Syrian orphans and children still living in Syria are being killed by military attacks. The orphans on “60 Minutes” said they want to return home one day, for they are the hope for the future of Syria.

It behooves the U.S. to bring humanitarian aid to these orphans that will give them the chance to return to their homeland.

Jerry Jantz


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