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E is for Ellen

To all concerned voters looking for sane and sensible leadership for the Idaho House of Representatives: ELLEN WEISSMAN, Democratic candidate, is the right choice for District 1, seat A.

Education: Ellen, a former teacher, understands the needs of students. She will work hard for high standards and fair wages for teachers.

Environment: Ellen, an outdoor enthusiast, opposes the proposed smelter, and all mining which would threaten our pristine lake, protected species and quality of life.

Economy: Ellen supports the development of local businesses, and a living wage.

Equality: Ellen recognizes the contribution that can be made by all people, regardless of race, religion or country of origin.

Elders: As executive director of Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc., Ellen is reminded daily of the needs and contributions of our vulnerable and valuable citizens.

Expansion of Medicaid: Ellen is already working hard to ensure full coverage for those Idaho citizens who currently do not qualify.

Engagement: Ellen is always available to discuss issues that are of concern in a friendly, open-minded manner, and is eager to learn all points of view.

Please join us, and other concerned citizens who favor fairness and prosperity, by voting Nov. 6, for Ellen Weissman, Democratic candidate, District 1, Seat A, the Idaho state House of Representatives.

Shakura Young and Lee Christensen


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