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Christianity and voting

After checking the website “We Believe, We Vote,” I am sadly grieved that there will be those who think this represents Christian faith. Jesus was quite clear that he did not come to set up a political kingdom. He changed history because he changed lives. Anyone who thinks they represent God politically needs to read the Scriptures more carefully.

God is not an American conservative. He is the Lord of the Universe. Many of the positions posted by We Believe, We Vote I also support, but others have nothing to do with Christian belief. Positions on immigration, federal debt and gun rights (the quote from Luke 22 as a defense of gun ownership was shocking in its absurdity) are matters of debate. They have no biblically “Christian position.” To mix them together is to distort Scripture and Christianity.

Having recently again studied the gospels of Luke and John, it is hard to see any political platform in the Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are the poor, the meek, and those who are persecuted, and turn the other cheek when attacked. Jesus’ teaching was radical in its contrast to political power. The purpose of his followers has not become different.

James Becker


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