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Inslee’s message is vital

I wonder if Arron Thompson (“Inslee’s run on our dime”) and David Haderlie (“I don’t believe my lying eyes!”) bothered to watch Governor Inslee’s CNN town hall or any of his interviews on MSNBC before they went off on their hateful tirade in their letters to the editor on April 13. I fail to see how anyone who listens to Jay Inslee could be anything but proud to be a Washingtonian and proud to have him representing us.

There are so many really great Democratic candidates that it is hard to choose a favorite, but it is important to support the Inslee campaign so he can stay in the running and qualify for the debates. He has made climate change his top issue, and we need to hear what he is saying over and over and over again if we expect it to finally sink in that this is a life or death situation that deeply affects everyone’s quality of life.

Kerry Masters

Liberty Lake

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